This is a wonderful chili recipe that I have used to win chili cook-offs in Indiana. It's hearty and spicy award winning chili that is sure to hit the...
This is an easy to make departure from your traditional chili. This recipe calls for pepperoni, mushrooms and a jar of prepared spaghetti sauce. Every...
Hot chili is a very underrated summer menu item. Bring a big ol' thermos of this to a picnic or other warm weather cookout, and it makes a great side to...
This is a long-standing favorite recipe evolved to suit the slow cooker and minimal messing around. Chop vegetables, brown meat, throw it all in, and walk...
Many years ago, while visiting a friend in Idaho, we decided to make chili and wandered into the grocery store with a vague idea of what chili was supposed...
This pumpkin chili recipe is super easy; throw ingredients in the slow cooker and relax with my company. I usually serve it with bowls of sour cream, diced...
Great recipe. It makes a lot but my family likes it so much there is never any left over. It's great on a cold night. It is my brother's recipe; he ran...
Every time I make this chili, people beg for the recipe. My husband wants this made at least once a month. It is delicious topped with shredded Cheddar...
I threw this together on a cold day when I was itching for some chili. The spice measurements are approximate. I start out with 1/8 cup and go from there....
This is a great recipe for a quick four ingredient chili for those cold nights when the kids have hockey or any sport and you have to run around! Of course,...
A Caribbean twist to a great winter-time dish! Sure to get the sinuses flowing!! This can be prepared without meat - just omit the steps with ground beef....
After years of adjustments I have found a recipe for all to enjoy. Previous ones were either too hot or too mild, this one even was to the liking of my...
This flavorful one-pot chili is the perfect comfort food for a cold winter night. With only 9 ingredients and the use of one pot, prep and cleanup is a...
A thick and hearty homemade chili with a kick. If you like a thinner chili, add another can of tomato sauce. Serve topped with a dollop of sour cream,...
I LOVE to create new recipes. My son's love for beans and cheese is the inspiration for this very simple chili. It's perfect served with corn bread and...
The basis for this recipe came from another site. I modified it a bit so, rather than put my changes as comments for his recipe (I hate when people do...
After searching through several recipes, I decided to put this recipe together by using my favorite ingredients. The resulting ground beef chili is flavorful...